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Monthly Spotlight: Binging

National Binge Day

What does it mean to binge something

Binge, noun

Generally a bout of overindulgence; is an instance of engaging in a particular activity to excess.

From: Oxford English Dictionary

For more on the Phenomenon of Binge-Watching, CLICK HERE.

Cons of binging

  • Binge-watching leads to mental health issues.
  • Binge-watching can cause serious physical health problems.
  • Binge-watching makes the show less fulfilling.
  • Reading books in 5 to 10-minute increments before bed will seal you off from the stories' pleasures
  • Can highlight a character's flaws
  • When binge-reading a series, there can be a lot of recapping b/c the author assumes there has been a break between when you've read the books
  • Book/series hangover
    • When you sit with what you've just experienced and don't know what to do next
  • Spoilers

Info from Britannica, The New York Times, and Brett Michael Orr

Stats on Binging

  • On average, nearly everyone aged 15 and over (95%) engages in some sort of leisurely activity like watching tv
    • Men spent more time than women (5.6 hrs compared to 4.8 hours)
  • Watching tv was the leisure activity that occupied the most time at 2.8 hours a day
    • this accounts for about half of all leisure time
  • Playing games and computer use came in next after tv watching
    • about 34 minutes playing games and using a computer
  • Reading for personal interest and playing games/using a computer varied greatly by age
    • Those 75 and over spent about 40 minutes reading while 15 to 19-year-olds read for about 13 minutes
    • 15 to 19-year-olds spent about 1 hour and 38 minutes playing games/computer use while 75 and older spent 29 minutes
  • Employed adults living in households with no children under age 18 engaged in leisurely sports and activities for about 4.6 hours a day
    • Over an hour more than employed adults living with a child under the age of 6

 Brought to you by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

For more information on binge-watching, check out this article from NBC News.

Pros of Binging

  • Binge-watching establishes beneficial social connections.
  • Binge-watching has health benefits like stress relief.
  • Binge-watching makes a show more fulfilling.
  • Binge-bonding
    • with others who are binging with you
    • with the characters in your shows, movies, and books
  • Healthy escapism
  • Binge-reading gives people a "vivid and continuous dream"
  • Binge-reading gives the reader control as to when they want to stop
  • Can be easier to notice details like subplots and symbolism
  • Experiencing an entire series all at once
    • the continuance is satisfying
  • Fangirling

Info from Britannica, University of California, The New York Times, and Brett Michael Orr