News article topics in government, politics, social issues, culture, literature discoveries, inventions and more from hundreds of primary sources.
The Business, Industrial and Professional Periodicals, 1774-1858 collection represents the subjects of business and industry, broadly defined, dating from 1774-1858. The publications covered include journals devoted to specific trades (such as the Tailors' Magazine and Quarterly Report of Fashion, Operatives' Magazine, Coach Makers' Magazine) and professions (the Civil Engineer and Herald of Internal Improvement, Fireman's Gazette, Cozzens' Wine Press). The collection includes periodicals promoting the interests of large industries, such as the railroads (American Railroad Journal), and the growing financial sector (Debtors Journal, G. Adams' Business Intelligencer, American Insurance Examiner). Together, they chronicle the large-scale shifts in commerce during the years witnessing the rise of capitalism.
Extensive country-by-country resource for learning about culture, customs, history, and language worldwide. Global Road Warrior™ consists of 175 Country Guides of 119 topics each.
A collection of handbooks areas across many different subject areas. The Handbook series contains in-depth, high-level articles by scholars at the top of their field, and brings together the leading scholars to discuss research and the latest thinking on a range of major topics. Each Handbook offers thorough introductions to topics and a critical survey of the current state of scholarship, creating an original conception of the field and setting the agenda for new research. Handbook articles review the key issues and cutting-edge debates, as well as providing arguments for how those debates might evolve.
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The Slavery and Abolition, 1789-1887 collection chronicles the African-American experience during the 19th century. While subjects run the gamut and include a fair amount of titles covering religion and literature (including the Pathfinder, Slave's Friend, Anglo-African Magazine, and Youth's Emancipator), the bulk are related to slavery and abolition, including titles such as the Freedmen's Record, Genius of Universal Emancipation, the Liberator, the Massachusetts Abolitionist, the Mirror of Liberty, and the National Crisis: An Antidote to Abolition Fanaticism, Treason and Sham Philanthropy.
Periodicals supporting topics in U.S. History. Topics include American Revolution, Civil War, Native Americans, Supreme Court, World War II and more.
This database draws heavily from the Colonial through the Jacksonian Era, spanning roughly from the 1730's-1840's. Because almost all of the women's periodicals by nature covered many topics, the titles included in this collection highlight radically changing perceptions of womanhood and ideas about the role of women over time. Some representative titles are: the Lady's Monthly Museum or Polite Repository of Amusement and Instruction, the Ladies' Companion, the Lady's Book, and Margret Fuller's Transcendentalist publication, the Dial.
The Business, Industrial and Professional Periodicals, 1774-1858 collection represents the subjects of business and industry, broadly defined, dating from 1774-1858. The publications covered include journals devoted to specific trades (such as the Tailors' Magazine and Quarterly Report of Fashion, Operatives' Magazine, Coach Makers' Magazine) and professions (the Civil Engineer and Herald of Internal Improvement, Fireman's Gazette, Cozzens' Wine Press). The collection includes periodicals promoting the interests of large industries, such as the railroads (American Railroad Journal), and the growing financial sector (Debtors Journal, G. Adams' Business Intelligencer, American Insurance Examiner). Together, they chronicle the large-scale shifts in commerce during the years witnessing the rise of capitalism.
The Civil Rights database brings together a diverse offering of publications covering civil rights in the United States as their legal protections and definitions are expanded to cover more and more Americans. Containing hearings and committee prints, legislative histories on the landmark legislations, CRS and GAO reports, briefs from major Supreme Court cases, and publications from the Commission on Civil Rights, this database allows users to educate themselves on the ways our civil rights have been strengthened and expanded over time, as well as how these legal protections can go further still. A curated list of scholarly articles, a varied collection of books on many civil rights topics, and a list of prominent civil rights organizations help take the research beyond HeinOnline.
LGBTQ+ Rights charts the gay rights movement in America, showing the civil rights codified into law in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as the inequalities that still exist today. Topics covered include the Defense of Marriage Act, the AIDS crisis, military service by gay and transgender service members, "bathroom bills," and more. A separate subcollection presents historical texts whose views some readers may find offensive today, showing the prejudicial beliefs that permeated society and helped formed the laws of their time.
Browse nearly one million images digitized from the NYPL collections. Limit your search results using the side navigation bar. You also may search the site by keyword.
A vast collection provides primary sources and personal accounts of humankind’s social, political, legal, and religious development, as well as some of the greatest discoveries, insights, and literary achievements in the words of the actual authors, discoverers, and knowledge-seekers.
Find primary sources across twelve subject areas: World History, U.S. History, Political Science, Law, Literature, Science, Mathematics, Social Science, Philosophy, Religion, Language, and Language Arts. This resource may be browsed by subject, author, or events, and may also be searched using basic or advanced features.
A collection of handbooks areas across many different subject areas. The Handbook series contains in-depth, high-level articles by scholars at the top of their field, and brings together the leading scholars to discuss research and the latest thinking on a range of major topics. Each Handbook offers thorough introductions to topics and a critical survey of the current state of scholarship, creating an original conception of the field and setting the agenda for new research. Handbook articles review the key issues and cutting-edge debates, as well as providing arguments for how those debates might evolve.
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This collection brings together a multitude of essential legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world. This includes every statute passed by every colony and state on slavery, every federal statute dealing with slavery, and all reported state and federal cases on slavery. Cases go into the 20th century, because long after slavery was ended, there were still court cases based on issues emanating from slavery. Also gathered are every English-language legal commentary on slavery published before 1920, which includes many essays and articles in obscure, hard-to-find journals in the United States and elsewhere. We have provided more than a thousand pamphlets and books on slavery from the 19th century. This collection will continue to grow, not only from new scholarship but also from historical material that continues to be located.