According to the Oxford English Dictionary:
The condition or fact of having the same rights, advantages, or opportunities as others or another, (in later use) esp. regardless of differences in gender, ethnicity, class, etc. Also in phrases with of, as equality of access, equality of opportunity, etc. (cf. Phrases).
Also modifying words specifying an aspect of life or social identity, such as gender equality, marriage equality, race equality, etc.
What is meant by gender in the description above?
The term gender refers to the economic, social, and cultural attributes and opportunities associated with being male or female. In most societies, being a man or a woman is not simply a matter of different biological and physical characteristics. Men and women face different expectations about how they should dress, behave, or work. Relations between men and women, whether in the family, the workplace, or the public sphere, also reflect an understanding of the talents, characteristics, and behavior appropriate to women and to men. Gender thus differs from sex in that it is social and cultural in nature rather than biological. Gender attributes and characteristics, encompassing, inter alia, the roles that men and women play and the expectations placed upon them, vary widely among societies and change over time. However, the fact that gender attributes are socially constructed means that they are also amenable to change in ways that can make a society more just and equitable. -United Nations Population Fund
What is the difference between gender equity, gender equality, and women's empowerment?
Gender equity is the process of being fair to women and men. To ensure fairness, strategies, and measures must often be available to compensate for women’s historical and social disadvantages that prevent women and men from otherwise operating on a level playing field. Equity leads to equality. Gender equality requires equal enjoyment by women and men of socially valued goods, opportunities, resources, and rewards. Where gender inequality exists, it is generally women who are excluded or disadvantaged in relation to decision-making and access to economic and social resources. Therefore a critical aspect of promoting gender equality is the empowerment of women, with a focus on identifying and redressing power imbalances and giving women more autonomy to manage their own lives. Gender equality does not mean that men and women become the same; only that access to opportunities and life changes is neither dependent on nor constrained by their sex. Achieving gender equality requires women’s empowerment to ensure that decision-making at private and public levels, and access to resources are no longer weighted in men’s favor so that both women and men can fully participate as equal partners in productive and reproductive life. -United Nations Population Fund
Why is gender equality important?
Gender equality is intrinsically linked to sustainable development and is vital to the realization of human rights for all. The overall objective of gender equality is a society in which women and men enjoy the same opportunities, rights, and obligations in all spheres of life. Equality between men and women exists when both sexes are able to share equally in the distribution of power and influence; have equal opportunities for financial independence through work or through setting up businesses; enjoy equal access to education and the opportunity to develop personal ambitions, interests, and talents; share responsibility for the home and children and are completely free from coercion, intimidation, and gender-based violence both at work and at home.
Within the context of population and development programs, gender equality is critical because it will enable women and men to make decisions that impact more positively on their own sexual and reproductive health as well as that of their spouses and families. Decision-making with regard to such issues as age at marriage, timing of births, use of contraception, and recourse to harmful practices (such as female genital cutting) stands to be improved with the achievement of gender equality.
However, it is important to acknowledge that where gender inequality exists, it is generally women who are excluded or disadvantaged in relation to decision-making and access to economic and social resources. Therefore a critical aspect of promoting gender equality is the empowerment of women, with a focus on identifying and redressing power imbalances and giving women more autonomy to manage their own lives. This would enable them to make decisions and take actions to achieve and maintain their own reproductive and sexual health. Gender equality and women’s empowerment do not mean that men and women become the same; only that access to opportunities and life changes is neither dependent on, nor constrained by their sex. -UNFPA
According to the United Nations, these are the biggest hurdles to women's equality by 2030:
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