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Monthly Spotlight: Read Across America

Read Across America Day

Read Across America: National Education Association: Celebrating a Nation of Diverse Readers

What is it?

March 2 is Read Across America Day, a day to celebrate our favorite activity. The day was established by the National Education Association (NEA) in 1998 to help get kids excited about reading. On National Read Across America Day, students, teachers, parents, and community members around the nation come together to read books and celebrate the joy of reading. --National Today

The NEA Has also extended this holiday to be all month long and given the option to challenge yourself to read all year long with their calendar for 2024-2025. On their calendar page, you can see the book of the month for elementary, middle, and young adult books. They even keep you in the loop of some fun and interesting events happening that month. Explore different event ideas to keep yourself or your kids interested in reading all year long! Check out the NEA's Read Across America webpage for additional information and fun.

Want to get into reading, but don't know where to start? Here are some tips for you!

  • Re-read a book you love
    • Whether it be a Dr. Suess book or one you read before you dropped the habit
  • Read a book that was adapted into a movie/TV show
    • Then watch the film/show to compare
  • Take a recommendation from someone else
    • Whether it be a friend, an author you've liked, or our librarian's recommendation
  • Make time for yourself to read
    • An hour after work or ten minutes before bed, this is a self-care thing
  • Browse at your local library
    • They always say "Don't judge a book by its cover", but we all do, and that is ok.
  • Look up some reading challenges
    • Sometimes it's easier to hold yourself accountable when you challenge yourself