A library database provides access to a range of online resources including journal articles, research papers and ebooks. They may also include newspaper articles, magazine articles, videos and images.
Useful for finding:
Tips to help you structure your search.
Some useful site links: (1) Nursing School Exams (TEAS, HESI, NCLEX, etc.); (2) HiSET; (3) Video Tutorial; (4) Printed DB Guide.
Test preparation, job skills, and online tutoring are available here. Users will be prompted to create a free account to use resources or take tests. Live online career and job search assistance is available. Some popular links include "Nursing School Exams" (TEAS, HESI, NCLEX, etc.) and the High School Equivalency Test ("HiSET"). The "College" section of this website's "Tools for Learners>>LearnNow" tool let's you review and take practice quizzes on many popular college subjects you may be studying. BrainFuse is provided in partnership with the State Library of Iowa & Iowa Workforce Development. More information via this printed user's guide, or this video tutorial.
Magazines, journals, and pamphlets from a variety of medical sources which provides access to medical, statistical, health, and related information.
Allows you to examine virtual 3D dissections with tools to zoom, rotate, and explore models, and assess understanding of concepts with self-assessments within each module. Search by keyword, explore by system or region, or browse all available system and region categories.
Periodicals and reference content supporting health care professionals.
Periodicals supporting physical therapy and sports medicine
Includes content from nearly 80 journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA), APA's Educational Publishing Foundation imprint, and journal article content from allied organizations including the Canadian Psychological Association and the Hogrefe Publishing Group.
by Victor Lieberman, Director of Learning Resources at NICC
Presents a broad range of scientific disciplines through extensive essays, videos, diagrams, definitions, biographies, and experiments.