After you have determined a topic you will need to gain an overview of that topic by reading background materials. As you begin to acquire knowledge about your subject you may need to adjust your topic, but try to always have a clear idea of your goal or you can waste time and energy.
Peer-reviewed and general interest full-text articles for academic libraries. Subjects include physical and social sciences, technology, medicine, engineering, the arts, technology, literature, and many others. You may also wish to browse by discipline.
Explore news articles from 1978-Present. Includes printed and online newspapers, blogs, journals, newswires, broadcast transcripts and videos. Explore a specific issue or event through the detailed coverage provided by local reporting or compare a wide variety of viewpoints from across the country on topics such as politics, business, health, sports, cultural activities and people.
Articles and E-books on topics taught in community colleges, including accounting, agriculture, child care, cosmetology, cooking, food service, forestry, graphic arts, hospitality management, interior design, veterinary science, plumbing, heating & air conditioning, welding.
Researchers understand today's crucial issues by exploring hundreds of hot topics. In-depth investigations of today's top issues.
Provides full text access to differing points of view on current social issues in primary source documents, articles, statistics, websites and multimedia.
General reference database that contains thousands of full-text articles. Includes special modules: Issues Researcher (Leading Issues), Government Reporter (Information By & About the U.S. Government), Renaissance (Arts & Humanities), & WebSelect (Selected Internet Sites). This resource was originally "Social Issues Resources Series" (SIRS).
Covers all major political, social, and economic news since November 1940. Users may browse topical news categories, or use the advanced search feature for more options.
After you think you have selected a topic the next step is background reading to gain an overview of the topic and determine if it will work for your research assignment. General and subject encyclopedias are an excellent resource for people, dates, events and concepts on your topic. There are not digital subject encyclopedias available for every subject, but here are the links for some from the NICC library collection:
General knowledge English-language encyclopaedia.
Encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research:
BROWSE ALL TITLES or click below for individual resources.
Asian American History and Culture: An Encyclopedia
Business Plans Handbook, Vol. 1--Vol. 30
Alternative Energy, 2nd ed., 3v
Americans at War, 4v --
Career Information Center, 10th ed., 16v
Climate Change, 2v
Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology, 4th ed., 4v
Encyclopedia of Emerging Markets
Environmental Encyclopedia, 4th ed., 2v
Gale E-Commerce Sourcebook, 2v
Gale Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, 2v
A Student Guide to Climate and Weather, 5v