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No-Shave November

Hide your shaving kit and roll out those jeans, it's NO SHAVE NOVEMBER!

What is this fascinating cause? Why do we do this? Is there a purpose to looking like a yeti? Find out by CLICKING HERE!

Day of the Dead- 2nd

Indulge in the rich Latin American Holiday that has been celebrated for centuries. Feliz Dia de los Muertos!

CLICK HERE for some information on this beautiful holiday and how you can get involved!

Election Day- 5th

IT'S ELECTION DAY! It's one of the biggest days that comes around every four years and gets all of America to participate.

By CLICKING HERE, you can learn how this whole voting thing works, update yourself on the Electoral College, and find out where you can register and vote!

National Book Award Week- 7th

So there are thousands of awards given to books from all over the world, and now here is a day to honor and be inspired by them.

CLICK HERE to learn about some of the most popular awards given to books and how exactly one is nominated for an award. And you can get a peak at some of the past years winners that sit in our collections!

America Recycles Day- 15th

Reduce. Reuse. and Recycle! 

The famous words heard growing up, so why are we not recycling? CLICK HERE to find out how things are recycled, why its important (not just for the environment), and find ways we can help this process.

National Book Week- 25th


We are a library, after all, so why not celebrate books at every turn? It is time to get you into reading some fun adventures and steamy romances. CLICK HERE to see some of the reading challenges and books recommended for you to read!

Thanksgiving- 28th

Ah, yes. It is that time of year when we are to be thankful for what we have and what we were given; but how did it all start?

CLICK HERE to get a taste of how this delicious holiday came to be, some wonderful recommendations, and what an un-thanksgiving tradition is.

More November Holidays!

Why stop celebrating when those big days aren't near?

CLICK HERE to see what kind of fun days are ahead and can help you improve your mood.

Librarian Picks

It's me. Hi. I'm the problem, it's me.

Check out these solutions for boredom picked out by your very own librarian! CLICK HERE!