Citing - Research - NICC Library at Northeast Iowa Community College
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Why Do We Cite?

What is a citation?

  • A quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work.

Why do we cite our sources?

  • By giving a citation, the writer contributes to the ongoing scholarly discussion of a topic.
  • It gives credit to the original writer/researcher
  • Gives the arguments you are making more credibility
  • Allows your paper to give evidence on a topic
  • Can give paths to resources for other researchers using your material
  • Helps avoid plagiarism

There are many legal issues when the use of information is at play. Avoiding plagiarism and citing the sources you use can help prevent you from getting into trouble. If you have more questions or want to look further into these issues, click the topic you'd like to learn more about below: