Citing Styles - Research - NICC Library at Northeast Iowa Community College
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APA (American Psychological Association

MLA (Modern Language Association)

CMS (Chicago Manual Style)

Database & Website Citations

For Databases:

NOTE:  Most databases have a "Cite" button where you can get a computer-generated citation of the article you are looking at (check for accuracy).  Many NICC instructors use APA Style Format or MLA Style Format.

Should a database not offer a citation automatically, use the link below for NoodleTools:

  • NoodleTools
    • This database helps students write citations in MLA or APA format as well as complete bibliographies for research papers.
    • All new users must register (bottom left-hand side of the page). After the account is created access available on or off campus!

For Websites:

APA, MLA, and CMS should all have links to how to format your citation correctly.

However, should you wish, you can use this Citation Producer to help with making a website citation in either APA or MLA formats or this Citation Generator for CMS as well.